Auction of European cars, planes, yachts and watches ( Your Path to the Car of Your Dreams

European Auction

Choosing Auction of European cars, planes, yachts and watches  is not just about saving money; it’s an investment in quality and reliability. The company provides a full range of services, from selecting a car to its delivery, ensuring a smooth and convenient purchasing process. Car delivery is possible to any part of the world. European Auction is your reliable partner in the world of cars. Competitive prices, quality assurance, and an individual approach to each customer attract the attention of those seeking the best automotive deals in Europe. Don’t miss your chance to become the owner of a quality car at an affordable price!

If you dream of a reliable, economical, and high-quality car, turn to European Auction. Visit their website or contact them for additional information and start your journey to the perfect car today!

Why Are Car Prices Lower at Auction of European cars, planes, yachts and watches ?

European Auction stands out as a company specializing in the purchase and delivery of cars from Europe. One of the key factors contributing to lower car prices at European Auction is their practice of direct purchases from auctions, bypassing intermediaries. By procuring vehicles directly, the company reduces costs associated with commissions and other additional expenses linked to intermediaries.

The Success Secret: Purchasing Cars at Auctions

The primary factor behind low prices is the innovative approach Europeans take to car purchasing: auctions for cost reduction. The presented cars are categorized into three main types:

  1. Premium-class cars with mileage for test drives: almost new cars with mileage up to 5000 miles, perfect for those seeking the latest models at affordable prices.
  2. Premium-class cars from leasing companies: cars with mileage up to 80,000 kilometers, undergo thorough maintenance, an excellent choice for buyers seeking a balance between quality and economy.
  3. Premium-class promotional cars from official dealers: used for advertising purposes and could stay with dealers for up to two years. Their attractive prices make them popular among a wide audience of buyers.

VAT Refund:

Another reason European Auction can offer lower prices is its assistance to customers in reclaiming Value Added Tax (VAT). This additional service further reduces the overall cost of the purchased car.

How to Order a Car at European Auction with a 30% Partial Prepayment?

European Auction offers various collaboration options for its customers, including one that involves a 30% partial prepayment. The company provides steps on how to do it:

  1. Choose a Car: Select the desired car on their website.
  2. Check Availability: Verify the car’s availability at the auction.
  3. Submit Documents: Send copies of documents for purchasing the car at the auction in your name (passport and proof of address).
  4. Receive Contract: The company sends you a contract for the purchase, delivery, and customs clearance of the car in your name.
  5. Sign and Return: Print, sign, and return the contract within specified timelines.
  6. Submit 30% Payment: Pay 30% of the car’s cost on the website, along with the cost of delivery and auction fees.
  7. Auction Purchase: Within two days of contract signing, the car is purchased at the auction in your name. Detailed photos from the purchase location, purchase documents in your name, a vehicle condition report, and other supporting documents are provided.
  8. Car Delivery: The car is delivered to the port or airport.
  9. Receive Photos: Photos of the loaded car and transport documents in your name are sent to you.
  10. Collecting the Car: When the car arrives, you can pick it up from the transport company. All payments will be in your name.

Choose the collaboration option that suits you best!

In conclusion, European Auction not only offers competitive prices but also provides a transparent and convenient process for customers looking to acquire high-quality cars. Whether you’re looking for a practically new test drive car or an affordable promotional vehicle, European Auction has a diverse range to meet various preferences and buyer needs.

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